
Robert Haller

We know the entire St Louis metropolitan area that means the city of Saint Louis and surrounding areas and regions. Illinois too! We can help with directions, contacts, and production experts. If you’re searching for a film crew with options, teleprompter, green screen, whatever you might need on a shoot. We can provide cameras, tripods, lights, HD monitors and microphones. Also we can cover you for those extras like a makeup artist, or an on-camera actor? We can help!

St Louis Video Productions guarantees to make your video editing work; fascinating, pleasurable, and effortlessly. Our editing solutions are superior to many other Video Editing freelancers in town. We are experienced editors with a long term knowledge of production, computers and video products.

Our editors do more than just punch a few keys. They are skilled in all aspects of the motion picture arts, from storytelling and writing to production and design, to where we focus our energy: the final mixing of your project elements into that creative masterpiece you desire.